A Valve lançou ao final da noite desta terça-feira uma atualização ao Counter-Strike que trouxe mais novidades que as anteriormente anunciadas.

Depois de oficializada a redução de preço da M4A4 para o mesmo valor da M4A1-S, foi revelado que a FAMAS passará a cutar 1950$ com a nova atualização.

Mas não foram apenas os preços a serem alterados. A Valve promoveu alterações à accuracy da FAMAS e apostou ainda num nerf a três SMGs: MP9, MP7 e MP-5SD. Em causa está a accuracy das mesmas quando o jogador se agacha.

A AUG e a SG também tiveram um ajuste no que toca à mira.

Além de todas estas mudanças nas mecânicas e economia das armas, a Valve voltou a abrir o modo Premier com a chegada da já esperada ‘Season 2’.

O Train conheceu várias pequenas mudanças, com o boost no Long Dog para o Bomsite do A a ser removido.

Em termos de UI, a Valve promoveu pequenas alterações. O maior destaque foi para o brilho da C4.

Estas são todas as notas do update:


  • Premier Season Two is here, and Premier matchmaking has resumed
  • Every player who earned a CS Rating during Season One will receive a commemorative Premier Season One Medal which includes detailed Season Statistics
  • Every player will have their CS Rating recalibrated based on their Season One performance, and will need to re-establish their CS Rating by winning 10 matches
  • Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool
  • Vertigo has been removed from the Active Duty map pool


  • M4A4 price reduced to $2,900
  • FAMAS accuracy improved and price reduced to $1,950
  • Reduced crouching accuracy for the MP9, MP5-SD, and MP7
  • Adjusted scope dot on AUG/SG to be more useable at range

[ UI ]

  • Added a new radar dynamic zoom option that will grow or shrink the radar to include your team mates, bomb and other detected elements
  • Adjusted grenade order in spectator UI to match weapon selection order
  • Increased brightness of carried C4 in UI

[ MAPS ]

  • Removed a boost angle from Long Dog to Bombsite A
  • Fixed lighting artifacts on double-sided materials

[ MISC ]

  • Added fallback logic to allow playing incomplete demo files, either copied from an ongoing live match or recovered after a game server crash
  • Fixed an exploit where users could use secondary fire on R8 Revolver and then sell it back
  • Counter-strafe summaries are now available in game server log data distributed via log address in addition to console logs

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