Denis “seized” Kostin assinou pelos Gambit, depois de ter jogado várias vezes como stand in pela equipa.
O jogador de 23 anos vai substituir, Bektiyar “fitch” Bahytov, que esteve ausente da equipa por razões que não foram divulgadas.
“Seized” mostrou-se extremamente feliz por ter assinado pela equipa: “I am incredibly happy that I have an opportunity to represent Gambit Esports. I got a second breath while playing in this team. I will do my best to achieve our goals and become the best team in the world. I would like to thank everyone who supports and cheers for us #AlgaGambit!”
O treinador da equipa confirmou que a “dispensa” de “fitch” se deve ao mau desempenho do jogador no ELeague Major: “The decision to move Bektiyar to a substitute position was made after an unsuccessful performance at ELEAGUE Major. Nevertheless, I think it is fair to say that we have been slowly coming to a realisation that changes were required. We felt that we lacked certain in-game components, therefore a roster change became a necessity. We agreed upon that Denis was the best available option, since he is both younger and at the same more experienced. Moreover, he is motivated and ready to prove that the last chain of events in his career was a mere coincidence. It goes without saying that I know him well due to our time in Na`Vi, therefore I realize that I am responsible for the outcome of this roster change. Denis is a hard-working and talented player who has a lot of potential. I will do my best to make sure that he and an entire team as a whole will achieve noteworthy results.”
Bektiyar “fitch” Bakhytov ficará como suplente e na colocado na lista de transferências.
As próximas competições onde os Gambit vão marcar presença são o StarSeries i-League CS:GO Season 4 e o IEM Katowice.
O plantel é o seguinte:
Abay “HObbit” Khassenov
Denis “seized” Kostin
Mikhail “Dosia” Stolyarov
Dauren “AdreN” Kystaubayev
Rustem “mou” Telepov
Andrey “Andi” Prokhorov (Treinador)
Bektiyar “fitch” Bakhytov (Suplente)
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