Os OpTic tinha anunciado a saída de Emil “Magisk” Reif hoje pela fresca, e os Astralis acabam de confirmar a contratação do jogador.
Emil “Magisk” Reif, vai substituir Markus “Kjaerbye” Kjærbye que saíu de forma surpreendente dos Astralis na semana passada.
“Magisk” de 19 anos passa a ser o quinto jogador da equipa dinamarquesa e mostrou-se bastante satisfeito por esta nova etapa na sua carreira: “Ever since Danny send me a message, I haven’t had a second thought. I want to play for Astralis, it’s by far the biggest team in Denmark and one of the biggest teams in the world, and this is where I want to be the coming years. The players, the team and the facilities are second to none and I think very few players would turn down an opportunity like this.
I do wish to take the time to thank OpTic and everybody in the org. I had a great time there and they have been helpful even in this phase. I have a deep respect for everybody there, and I am proud to have been a part of OpTic! But playing for Astralis is just an opportunity I can’t turn down.”
Im so excited to play with @astralisgg !! Im so happy and speechless 😇🙏
— Emil Reif (@MagiskCS) 7 de fevereiro de 2018
We want to give you guys, the fans, a proper way to welcome our new player! ❤️🖤
At 14:00 CET today, the entire team will be doing a live Q&A on Facebook.
👉🏼 https://t.co/zJBNvG1Hf8 https://t.co/ttMwMQdyu4
— Astralis (@astralisgg) 7 de fevereiro de 2018
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