Os NRG contrataram Allan “AnJ” Jensen aos Singularity.
“AnJ” tinha sido colocado no banco pela equipa, depois de ter pedido para sair para uma equipa mais experiente e de competir a um nível mais elevado.
O jogador vai fazer a estreia pela equipa na Dreamhack Valência, que se realiza de 14 a 16 de julho.
No site dos NRG, o jogador deixou as seguintes palavras:
I would to thank Singularity for the time we’ve spent together since October last year. We have grown together and we all find ourselves elevated to new heights from where we started. I would also like to thank them for allowing me to spend my time on the bench to talk to NRG. The past month have consisted of several offers but none that peeked my interest like NRG, and after talks with both management and players I’m extremely happy to have been given the chance to play for this organisation. This move is a dream come true, getting to play with and against players I’ve looked up to for so long is just amazing. I can’t wait to get started and working with the team!
Aqui fica o vídeo de apresentação do jogador:

A equipa de CS:GO da NRG é composta pelos seguintes jogadores:
Peter ptr Gurney
Jacob FugLy Medina
Vincent Brehze Cayonte
Damian daps Steele
Allan AnJ Jensen
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