Dias depois de Joey “CRUC1AL” Steusel ter anunciado a sua saída dos Splyce, O AWPer holandês regressa à europa para jogar nos defusekids.

Joey vai encontrar algumas caras conhecidas, como  Kaj “kajsk1ng” van Staalduinen and Fréderic “Monu” Dewever.
Sobre esta nova aventura, Joey disse o seguinte ao site hltv.org:
After just over 7 months i’ve decided to return home to Netherlands. I learned a lot in many different ways in Splyce which I hope to bring to my new team going forward. I’ve decided to join a Dutch team which I feel has alot of potential with time. We will start by bootcamping for 1 week before attending Copenhagen Games next month. For expectations we will train a lot (5 days a week, 6-7 hours a day). Hopefully with time we will see the results come through. I believe a lot in this team over time to hopefully have a competing Benelux team on the map!
A equipa dos defusekids é composta pelos seguintes jogadores:
Joey “CRUC1AL” Steusel
Kaj “kajsk1ng” van Staalduinen
Gido “CYTARO” Brouwer
Vincent “v1N” Brouwer
Fréderic “Monu” Dewever
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